Careers & Opportunities

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities through our electives programme. Electives are staff-led extra-curricular clubs. These will strengthen your personal statement and are often linked to the area of study you wish to complete at university.

Sixth form students have the opportunity to support with an elective run for the lower school, for example, dance, politics, and music. Alternatively, students can set up their own elective for their peers based on their areas of interest. 

Finally, we have a set of opportunities for you to participate in. This is where you volunteer your time to support others, which could be through reading with Year 7s, peer mentoring, or visiting local care homes for example. These opportunities will be regularly advertised during tutor time, so please get involved.

We encourage and support all of our students to complete work experience. If you have some free time in your timetable and would like to complete some work experience or volunteering at this time please speak to your form tutor. All work experience and volunteering during sixth form time will need to be approved by the Heads of sixth form.