Jane austen college 21



Our curriculum goes beyond simply meeting the academic needs of our students. It is deep, challenging and provides rich, memorable experiences.

Our curriculum is guided by three key principles:

  • All young people are entitled to exceptional education, regardless of their background.
  • We have a responsibility to prepare students exceptionally well for their continuing education
    and future careers.
  • We believe that we can empower our students by ensuring they are knowledgeable about the world around them.

Knowledge and expertise

Through our curriculum, students:

  • Acquire knowledge and expertise.
  • Read widely, including texts by important writers and thinkers. 
  • Learn about the world around them and its history.
  • Study the context of their learning.
  • Learn specialist subject terminology and how to use vocabulary appropriately.

Our curriculum

Academic rigour

Traditional at its heart, but also innovative, providing academic rigour, but also ensuring our students gain the knowledge and expertise they will need to be successful in the future.


Lessons are stimulating and engaging and wider experiences, such as trips and events, develop a love of learning. We create memorable experiences.


Students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills and value learning and the acquisition of knowledge.

Challenge for all

We have high expectations of all students and ensure that lessons are designed to provide a challenge for all.

To find out more about our curriculum, please contact us at:

Find out more about our curriculum

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