Our Curriculum Approach

The curriculum is at the heart of what we do at Inspiration Trust, and our work in this area is nationally recognised. We believe in the power of knowledge and have created a knowledge-rich curriculum in our schools.

With the individual conventions and histories of each subject discipline at its heart, our curriculum is inclusive, ambitious and rigorous. Giving all our pupils access to a high-quality education and the best possible opportunities is key to social justice and narrows the achievement gap for our most disadvantaged pupils.

Where pupils have special educational needs, we do not narrow our curriculum. We adapt our curriculum and teaching approaches to ensure everyone can access the curriculum and achieve success. Alongside an academic, knowledge-rich curriculum, we also offer high-quality enrichment, placing a high value on the arts, sport, and cultural pursuits.

The college is proud to have a nationally recognised knowledge-based curriculum that is structured by traditional subjects. It is properly sequenced to ensure systematic and thorough teaching for all.

The curriculum is designed with long-term learning in mind. Pupils should be able to take what they learn into adulthood and use it to provide them with the opportunities to succeed in life. Our curriculum takes pupils beyond what they already know and enables them to be more socially mobile, ensuring that they secure knowledge they wouldn’t ordinarily have access to.

At the college, more curriculum time is given to English, maths, science, humanities and languages to ensure this broad foundation. Pupils will also study philosophy, technology, art and design, music and physical education. Pupils are taught in sets based on academic ability and assessment data in English, maths and science. In Year 7 other subjects will be grouped based on their Form Group.

“The school has the highest level of academic ambition for all. An exceptionally high number of pupils enter subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate and achieve highly”

Ofsted May 2024     

The curriculum is balanced with a comprehensive PSHE programme, CIAG (Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance) exciting extra-curricular electives and pupil leadership opportunities.

“Pupils learn about overcoming traditional stereotypes and what it means to display a deep understanding of tolerance and respect for difference”

Ofsted May 2024

We also offer the opportunity for pupils to choose a slightly longer school day to include time for supported independent study and electives. This time can instil a love of learning and scholarship, whilst electives build wider character and resilience.

If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact us.

Read our curriculum policy for more information

We're part of the Inspiration Trust and share their knowledge rich curriculum. We make sure our curriculum is inclusive and accessible for all of our students. Read our principles to find out more about how we achieve this.