Fine Art


Fine Art offers opportunities to use your creativity to express yourself and develop your ability to appreciate and respond to the visual world in a creative way. You will further develop and master skills learnt at GCSE and encounter new media, techniques, and methods of working. You will build on your knowledge of materials and practices, develop further your interpretive and analytical powers, and explore your imaginative and creative potential.

You will also develop a specialist vocabulary and increase your knowledge and understanding of Fine Art. Underpinning all work will be the use of sketchbooks and the exploration of ideas through drawing and other media. 

You will study the following disciplines in individual projects at the beginning of the A-Level course – traditional and digital drawing, painting, print-making, photography and sculpture. 

The course structure is as follows: 

  • Year 1: Workshops, Anatomy project, Mock Externally Set Assignment
  • Year 2: Personal Investigation (60%) Externally Set Assignment (40%)



Grade 5+ in an art and design subject, including fine art, graphics, textiles, photography, 3D design.

Fine Art course information