A-Level Students Take in the Sights on Trip to Rome and Pompeii
On Monday 27th March, A-Level students from both Years 12 and 13, set off with the Classics department team on a week-long trip to Rome and Pompeii.
The trip began with three, jam-packed days in Rome, during which the students soaked up the Roman culture (with plenty of ice-cream) and stood in awe of countless ancient sites, churches, and works of art.
Highlights included exploring the ancient ruins of the Roman Forum, wandering in the footsteps of Julius Ceasar on Palatine Hill, imagining themselves as spectators in the mighty Colosseum, and examining Augustus' Ara Pacis in minute detail.
Students then spent a day exploring the ancient city of Pompeii, which was buried in volcanic ash in AD79. Staff and students alike had heard of Pompeii as small children and fostered a fascination for the ancient ruins ever since. Archaeological excavations at the site have uncovered two-thirds of the city so far. The students commented on how amazing it was to walk the ancient roads and explore streets that suggest an ancient society, with elegant homes, shops, fast food stores, temples, markets, chemists, amphitheatres, and gymnasiums (their health and spa areas).
The trip was full of fantastic experiences and memories that are sure to have a lasting impression on the students for many years to come!