Electives spotlight at Jane Austen College Sixth Form
BackD&D Elective
This year the Sixth Form has introduced the fantasy role-playing tabletop game 'Dungeons & Dragons' into its weekly electives programme. D&D is the world’s most popular tabletop roleplaying game. It is a cooperative, storytelling game where players take on the roles of different characters within a story, created, led and narrated by a 'Dungeon Master'. The game, now in it's 50th year is more popular than ever, and we are delighted that the JAC Sixth formers have got involved and are enjoying both role playing characters such as paladins, wizards or warlocks as well as learning to take on the role of dungeon master.
The group of 10 -15 students is being led by volunteer and ex Jane Austen pupil Barney Phillippo who is the electives 'Dungeon Master'. Barney has been passing on his D&D knowledge, skill and enthusiasm to the group and commented that "it is fantastic to be able to see students having fun, making friends and getting stuck into the game I first started playing at Jane Austen 10 years ago". We hope that the current Year 12 pupils will be able to continue to run the club next year as we feel it is a great opportunity for those with similar interests to meet up and socialise.
Debate Club
Last term the pastoral team and Mr Carter ran a Sixth Form Debate Club covering hot topics as capital punishment, minimum/maximum voting ages, and the UK's nuclear weapons programme. Each week two 6th Form students argued for the house and two against. Students had to use their powers of persuasion to convince the audience of students to vote for their motion. We had some incredibly powerful and well researched arguments put forward across the course of 6 weeks, as well as some highly entertaining audience Q & As.
Whilst the feedback from those who attended debate club was hugely positive, unfortunately, due to student workloads and other commitments we have had to put the club on hold currently. We know that there are so many benefits to being part of a debate club; from learning the art of public speaking, to thinking on your feet, listening to alternate arguments or simply the social aspect of being a member of the audience - so we will definitely be offering it again in the future as part of the sixth form electives programme.