Two of our Jane Austen College students did an outstanding job at ARTiculation! A huge congratulations to both Annabelle and Georgia! Both students performed wonderfully talking about their chosen art work, and Annabelle won First place! An amazing performance, well done!
Georgia chose "I shop therefore I am" 1990, by Barbara Kruger. Here is some feedback on her performance from Dr Stephen Feeke, an art historian and curator, "I thought this a great choice of topic and Georgia effectively brought out why conspicuous consumption still resonates as strongly today (if not more so) as it did some thirty years ago."
Annabelle chose "The Fighting Temeraire" 1839, by Joseph William Turner. Here is some feedback on her performance from Dr Stephen Feeke, "This presentation cast Turner as a radical and it felt both confident and convincing from the outset. I was fascinated by Annabelle’s use of descriptive language, which rendered Turner’s use of subject matter, colour and texture visceral and alive; a very worthy winner."
Once again, a huge congratulations to both students! @articulationprize
#ARTiculation #performance #barbarakruger #josephwilliamturner #janeasuten #sainsburycentre #visualarts #congratulations